What is Graphic Recording?

Utilizing it will increase your audience’s retention of up to 65%!

Graphic recording is the recording of verbal information, as it is spoken, through cartoons, symbols, metaphors, and keywords, as a visible representation of information, ideas and strategies or concepts.

Graphic recording is always done while the artist is listening to the spoken word, whether in person, online or through audio recording. The visuals that are created dramatically increase your audience retention and recall – long after they have heard the speech, brainstormed the ideas or listened to the teaching.  I work with teachers, trainers, professional speakers, and one-on-one or in groups such as board meetings or leadership training.

As I draw, I am listening carefully to what is being spoken, and at the same time am looking for running themes or threads of thought, patterns, metaphors, concepts, and examples. These visual items are what trigger the memories and thoughts of listeners who would otherwise forget while focusing on the main points of a speech or meeting.

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” Just as a melody, a scent or a photograph will instantly remind the viewer of the moment in time where an experience occurred or an event happened, so graphic recording will trigger those thoughts, ideas, and information at the time they heard the information. Click here to view samples from a variety of meeting venues. Talk to me now about creating a video from your digital voice recording that you can post on your website!

Call me now to graphically record your event or digital voice recording! (720) 295-7409
What you can expect and how to plan

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