Location: Graphic recording
can be done from the back of the room, side of the room or in
front of the audience or participants.
Paper: Most graphic recorders will use giant sheets of
paper and create wall murals. I prefer to summarize each
workshop or hour in one large sticky poster sheet to create a
"gallery" of posters that attendees can view and easily take
photos of with their smart phones.
Ownership & Useage: All posters are left with you, the
client, to create posters for in company use, publication,
website inclusion or to frame it for future reference. I will
photograph each poster for inclusion in my online art portfolio.
Supplies: For local meetings in the Denver area, I can
provide my own easel and marker supply. You will provide poster
paper pad, or I can invoice you for it along with your daily
Pricing: For most events, you can expect to pay a minimum
of $500. For intensive day long conferences and events, there
might be an increase in price, depending on event.
Travel: For out of state events, airfare, hotel and food
will be included in fee.